Friday, October 27, 2006

California, Scotland, Portland and more!

Hey gang, sorry I have been so distant lately. Glad that Marvin is keeping you entertained.

Some cool presentations coming up in NY, NJ and CA. This Tuesday I will be at Sarah Lawrence College (on Halloween???) to present Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House. Christine will be in from Colorado and Mike Airhart of Ex-Gay Watch (who recently relocated to Hartford, the ex-ex-gay capital of the Northeast) will also come along. Christine and I along with Steve Boese are working on an exciting NEW project. Can't wait to share it with all y'all.

November 11 I will be in Palm Springs for the Love Breaks Out conference where I will also present Homo No Mo. Also presenting that day will be Worthie Paul Meacham, Dr. Devena R. Wilson and one of my favorite people in the world, Peggy Campolo. I'm trying to lure Joe G. (who includes me on his current podcast--well he does nearly every week; he needs material), Daniel Gonzales and Jonathan to come out too!

On November 30 I will return to Ramapo College to do Homo No Mo.

Looks like I will be in Scotland most of December and the early part of January where I hope to connect with some folks from Courage for a special holiday gathering on December 18. I'll share more details when I know them. I'll also get together with my brother who lives in Madrid.

I will be in the Chicago area January 12-15 for a Quaker teen gathering (and maybe some other gigs--anyone in Chicago interested in hosting a show???). The following weekend I begin a 10 day trip to Portland and then Seattle. Details TBA, but if you have contacts in those areas (church, school, university, etc), let me know as we are just putting this trip together.

February 17-20 I will be in Greensboro, NC for the FLGBTQC (queer quaker) Mid-Winder Gathering along with a presentation at Guilford College.

Details are up for some but not all of these presentations. Keep an eye on the presentation schedule for updates.

Would LOVE to see you when I am in your neck of the woods! If you have a contact who may want to host a talk or a play in or near one of the places listed above, email me or have them contact me.


At 3:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know of two interested groups in England, I don't know when you're next going to be around here though!

Esther. x

At 6:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Malmö, hu? Don´t you need to boost your stash of tartex? ;)

At 8:22 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

ah, europe calls and I must respond. I mean I don't wish to dissapoint. yes I need to return to swedwn SOON! not only do I need Tartex, I need to see my swedish friends! So Esther and Anna, that,s spirit! Maybe you will inspire someone in Chicago!

At 1:15 PM , Blogger grace said...

And the Lone Star state is slighted for a while gummit! ;)

Maybe I'll just have to try and catch up with you at some point NORTH. I'd love a little weekend getaway to a place that has an authentic Fall season. Maybe I could just come up and keep your dad company while you galavant about! Didn't you say he does yard sales!!!! I love yard sales!!

Glad you're doing well!

At 11:04 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Grace/Pam, thanks for your kind words.
Yeah, you need to come to the Northeast. I will cook Italian food for you!

Joe, I keep your podcast afloat; don't forget that buddy! What is the MOST downloaded program of yours? Why the one with me on it. I spoke with Marvin and told him that you were complaining about him too, so there!

Oh, and everyone, listen to Joe's podcast this week; it is especially good (and not only because he has me singing in the background).

At 11:06 PM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

Joe's podcast can be found here:

Feel free to leave comments that bust his chops.


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